Core Menu
All pupils dine at lunchtime in our Canteen where they can purchase a hot or cold meal. The cost of a school dinner which includes a dessert/sweet and drink is £2.80. Below is a core menu which shows you what can be purchased in our Canteen, there are other 'popular' items that will still be on sale other than the items bellow e.g paninis etc.
Pupils can bring sandwiches from home if they do not wish to purchase a school meal.
No pupil is allowed out of the school grounds during the lunch hour without a written request from their parents.
Free School Meals
Free School Meals Information Leaflet
Changes to Free School Meals due to Universal Credit
Free school meals are only available to children whose parents/guardian receives one of the following benefits: -
- Income Support
- Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based)
- Support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit, but DO NOT receive any Working Tax Credit, and their annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) does not exceed £16,190 (from 6th April 2010)
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Where do I apply for Free School Meals?
All applications for Free School Meals need to be made online: CLICK HERE
You can view the relevant information on the Carmarthenshire County Council Website
How do I apply for Free School Meals?
To apply for Free School Meals you can: -
- Telephone (01267) 246526 and a form will be sent to you, OR
- You can e-mail with your name and address and a form will be sent to you.
- You are required to complete the Free School Meals online application form
- You can also contact our Attendance Officer for information/advice - 01554 784215
What proof will I need?
The type of proof that we need is listed below:
- A photocopy of the decision letter from the benefits office showing your entitlement to Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance – Income Based, OR
- A photocopy of your Inland Revenue Tax Credit Award / Pension Credit, OR
- Your application form stamped and dated by the benefits office indicating which benefit you are entitled to, OR
- The proof needed for Asylum Seekers to receive free school meals for their children is their IND Letter or IND Card, Social Services Letter or their N.A.S.S. Letter.
What happens next?
Once we receive your completed application form together with proof of eligibility, we will envisage to process your application within 10 working days. You will be notified of the award by letter.
Free School Meals cannot be granted to any child until we have received a correctly completed form together with correct proof of benefit.
What happens if my circumstances change?
If an applicant ceases to receive one of the above mentioned benefits, they must inform the Free School Meals office immediately as entitlement to free school meals must be cancelled (Telephone 01267 246526). Giving false information or failing to disclose a change in circumstances may lead to legal proceedings.
Is your child entitled to Free School Meals? Have your circumstances changed? Please call on 01554 750661 or stop by Reception for more information and help filling out the forms.